Sunday, October 25, 2009

Any Remedies for Mild Eczema?

I have a mild case of Eczema just below my shoulder ever since I have gotten bitten by a mosquito two years ago. It seemed to go away after I treated it Hydracortizone. But this summer it has come back and the itching its so bothersome that I lose some sleep at night. I have started treating myself with the cortizone again but I was wondering if anyone knows of any type of relief that I can use without seeing a doctor (no insurance). It isn't severe, just to the point of bothersome and tired of itching and rubbing swollen skin Thanks!!
If you're absolutely positive that it's eczema then hydrocortisone is the only thing you can truly do. If it could be ANYTHING else, try Benadryl. That should stop the itching.
In the UK there is a cream that is used called Aqueous Cream, it is for eczema and burn patients, you use it to wash and then also apply topically. It is very cheap. I buy it from the Uk and it is around $5.00 for a huge pound tub, great to use for general skin care too-I don't have eczema. Failing that Aveno products from the store are very good as is Burt Bees products and useing an oatmeal bath.
sometimes this problem is caused by not eating a balanced diet. There are numerous products available at you local pharmacy.
Some good general information on caring for atopic dermatitis (eczema) may be found at The National Eczema Association may also be helpful at I realize your eczema is very mild, but go down to "What can be done about dry skin" in this article for some tips on moisturizing.
having eczema is a bad experience for sufferers. if you have mild eczema try to be able to know what can cause eczema break out. avoid eating foods that triggers it. also keep yourself hydrated to avoid skin in becoming dry. also use clothes that are not irritating to the skin. also use this link to heal eczema effectively.
That doesn't sound like excema (my husband has excema--and it's more of a chronic condition, not something caused by a mosquito bite). What you have sounds more like something I've gotten before (wish I could remember what it was called). It cuased these itchy little pimples, and the nurse said that it was cuased by a bacteria that is sometimes transmitted into the skin when you itch a bite or something like that (which sounds like what happened to you). She gave me something to clean it with daily, and told me to try to keep it dry and clean as much as possible (sweat and dirt make it worse). It went away in a few weeks. That was the first time I got it. The second time it was on my face up by my eyes, and just keeping it clean and dry didn't do the trick. My doctor gave me a cream to put on it, and it helped, but it didn't go away completely. I had it for about a year before I went to a dermatoligist about it. She had me take antibiotics, and it went away.So, my advice is to try keeping it clean and dry for a week or two, and if that doesn't work see a doctor (preferably a dermatoligist) about this.

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