Sunday, October 25, 2009
Anyone else have a heart beat that skips? What do they do to help it?
With all due respect, most 'skipped beats' aren't skipped at all. It's a double beat to make up for a weak one. Google PACs (pre atrial contractions) and that's most likely what you're experiencing. You're probably not having PVCs (pre ventricle contractions) as those are more rare and a bit more dangerous. Only one way to know for sure: Get a Holter monitor or Event monitor from your doctor. Most EKGs won't catch these (as the EKG machine records about a minute's worth of beats) but using a Holter monitor (which you wear) you can sometimes catch and record them for diganosis.
I worried myself sick over PACs for years not knowing what they were. My cardiologist says they're normal and almost all healthy people experience them at times. Again, to be sure, see your doc and find out. If you have no symptoms (lightheadedness or dizzyness or pain) chances are you'll be good to go.
But only a doc can diganose the different types of arrythmias you may have and only after a diganosis will your mind be put at ease. Anxiety can make them worse...indeed see your doc to be sure.
It is called palpatations...I would go to your doctor. Lots of people have this...Some control with medication. But visit your doc to be sure it is nothing else
This could be a sign that you are not getting enough potassium.This is found in fruits, particularly bananas.Start eating lots of fruit but if the problem persists you need to see a cardiologist.
gaining wait
not doing any exercise and many other factors can cause that.have a check.
Premature ventricular contractions. Usually no treatment. Not serious.
sometimes palpitations can be caused by caffeine (or energy drinks) - or by stress - if it's worrysome to you, ask your doctor - they may do a holter test (a 24 hour EKG - its like carrying a Walkman for 24 hours) to get a visual of what you're feeling.
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