Sunday, October 25, 2009

Any tips/tricks on taking care of or relieving pain & itch from insect bites?

Depending how bad they are, here are some things that will help.1. Blow on it with a hair dryer for as long as you can stand it. When it starts to burn some, back off and just barely hit it with the air from the side. At first it will tingle and feel really, really good. Then, after about 30 seconds or whenever you quit, you won't feel the itch at all. This works for poison ivy too. As hot a bath as you can stand without scalding yourself will help but not as much. I was told about this trick by a coworker when I had poison ivy so badly I couldn't even wear clothes for several days. Major point: you aren't trying to burn yourself here. Stop before any damage happens. 2. Icy Hot for arthritis. It has salicylic acid in it. Rub on a goodly amount, and wipe off the extra. Be careful to wash your hands really well afterwards and not touch your eyes or nose or mouth (or any sensitive areas). The itch won't stop right away but after about 15 minutes, you won't notice the bites. I found this on accident after trying everything in the bathroom once when I had several dozen mosquito bites due to fishing in the dark. I got the poison ivy on a fishing trip as well.3. Benadryl lotion rubbed in liberally, in conjunction with benadryl or some other allergy medicine taken orally. 4. Avoid fishing?Good luck.
wash with water and put some common ointment
There are many over the counter ointments that work well such as After-Bite. The swelling and itching comes from histamine that is injected by the insect. Any anti-histimine such as Benedryl will help with itching and swelling. Applying an ice pack to it for about 10-20 min. will also help. Rubbing alcohol is also good.

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