Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Anyone, can u tell Cough remedies and Asthma Remedies and also sore throat remedies. Its really troubling me.?

Hey every1. can u pls help me get this cough away and this asthma.its so hard to breath and my throat hurts like hell.pls.
Coughing can be treated by getting something called Guaiffenesin. You should get the DM version -- it has dextromethorphan -- a cough suppressant.The sore throat may be helped by gargling with salt-water. If that doesn't work, try some chlorseptic spray.Asthma is treated with inhaled medications, some short-acting and some long-acting. In the first class are albuterol, pirbuterol, and metoproterenol. In the second class are salmeterol, beclomethasone, and fluticasone.
Pay a visit at the nearest chemist.
There are just to many things out there to give one answer on this, not without an examination.
I take nebulizer treatments with several types of solutions, these make my throat sore in time, drying the membranes out. I try and take something for this at the same time. Try "Hacks" cough drops, these work well for me while I'm on treatments and keep my throat moist. If nothing else works, see your doctor.
Sore throat - gargle with Vodka. I'm serious, it has almost magical properties. Three times a day for 2 days normally does it.Cough - Seneca (of ammonia ? ) elixer - vile stuff but stops a persistent cough. Ask your pharmacist. It is an ancient cure, cheap too. They don't push it because it tastes terrible, there is no profit, and it works, so you don't have to come back (again, no profit).Asthma - not a cure, (but you don't get attacks anymore so what's the difference ?) - Learn the buteyko breathing method. Of course, It takes effort, and taking medication is easier. I think it's worth the effort.
When you are having trouble breathing go into bathroom and shut door turn on hot water in shower and breathe the steam for a bit (don't get in the water though) It also depends on where you are in the world but i am in Oz and for a cough I take brondecon elixir this one will help you STOP coughing and the brondecon expectorant will help get all the phlegm up(sorry to be graphic) Try warm drinks for the sore throat like a honey and lemon drink or my cup of tea but that won't help coz you can't come here -sorry-

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