Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Anyone on here diagnosed with osteoarthritis? Any tips on how to manage this.?? I have it in every joint.?

I hurt in every joint and I will continue to pray for healing. I still believe in miracles%26gt; But God expects me to help myself too. Anyone on here know anything to do or to eat to help this or if there are things that aggravate it?? ANy help I would surely appreciate. Thanks
Shirley my experience with this disease is you must keep your weight down , your blood pressure under control and stay active. You must exercise or walk daily to strengthen your muscles and joints. Just daily living is not enough. You must get out and walk a mile or more each day or so. Weight must come off..down to a healthy weight by age and height etc.Stay away from all Sugars and caffeine, fatty foods. Believe it or not any SUGAR is really bad and will promote pain in your body Drank water to flush out waste from your system. Keep stress levels down helps.Exercise and reading the Bible help with this by building your faith in Him. And pray that God reveals to you more healthy tips for living a quality of life with less pain. Thank God this life is but a vapor compared to eternity with Him.
My mother has... you have to keep making your life normal!! Don麓t stop to do anything because of it!! Avoid red meat and too much cheese!! and look for medicines that don麓t make u fat!
I have and I take naprasen for it. the weather seams to play a huge role in the pain. watch out because I also developed fibromyalgia with this.
i think the cornerstone beside the medications is to loss weight and avoid severe excercise but light excercise is helpful especially swimming
My wife has osteoarthritis and it is cruel but there are things you can do.
Take calcium tablets,omega 3, Glacomine and evening primrose tablets.At most chemist or vitamin shops
Lower your acid food intake like tomatoes etc
And i have been told by doctors that the joints must be exercised to stop them going stiff i know it hurts but it must be done
but the best is to keep your spirit up and don`t let your self become depressed as this will only make things worse
OA commonly referred to as degenerative joint disease.
keep your joints moving. a common myth with DJD is that my wrist hurts i should not move it which in turn causes more capsular tightness and stiffness. i would recommend visiting a physical therapist and have them put you on a full body exercise routine for strengthening and flexibility.
it is proven a strong flexible mm will perceive less pain than a weak flexible mm. i know DJD affects the cartilage in the joints rather than directly affecting the mm. but as a DPT i see life changing results with proper exercise and staying active. god will not fix or cure this problem by you laying on the couch. good luck
Dear friend, God will carry you through this one sister! My husband typically advises his patients the home remedies over taking more aggressive forms of pain relief for aching joints:1. Moderate your intake, but do not limit yourself from any particular food (ie. meat, chicken, fish). Lower your caloric portions per meal and instead eat multiple smaller meals during the day, so that you will not get the bloated feeling of overeating for one meal (leaving you sedentary... off to next point).
2. Exercise regularly, with frequent walking trips around the neighborhood. Having a walking partner helps get one motivated to do this daily. Heavy aerobic exercise like jogging not necessary, and in fact will aggravate your joints more.
3. Alternate heat compresses and cold packs at end of the day, is a nice bedtime activity prior to sleeping. Some light massage of joints is essential to move fluid between joints.
4. Use of NSAIDs is applicable - please see consultation with your family doctor for appropriate doses.
5. Use of natural remedies such as Glucosamine/Chondroitin supplements is a healthy alternative to NSAIDs, and is easier to metabolize, for the sake of your stomach and vital organs such as your liver.Aboveall, keep in touch with your MD and see if he can suggest a unique diet and exercise regimen for you, in addition to any prescription medication.Not sure if I helped any. I will by praying for you sister! God is good, He knows your needs!God Bless always!
My wife and I are in the process or dealing with this same issue, (we got weight probs) and we are trying a new diet, and prayer. Shirley prayer seems to be effective but it does require much these days, and I would also recommend some Ibuprophine if you can take it.Ibuprophine is a good med, you have to take it regularly and maintain it, you see Ibuprophine has to build up in the body to be useful. In some people, it acts fast, in me I have to keep up a dosage on a regular basis (aprox 600 mgs 3 times a day sometimes 400 mgs). but keep in mind I'm 47 and I weigh 340 lbs. You have to take this much med's with food so as not to upset your stomach. And move around as much as you can.Remember Paul told Timmothy to "take a little wine for your stomach" I am sure that Paul advocated prayer as well, but he was not one to turn down the medicinal use of Gods given substances for illness when possible. I hope this answer helps and run my advise by your Dr. as well
you may need another type of med to moderate you pain as we are all unique. Bonnie and I will pray for you as well.God Bless Sisal 4 now B
I dnt know about that,BUT I WILL PRAY FOR YOU SISTER!!God bless you.
First of all in the full gospel teaching, arthritis is said to be a spirit of resentment before you send me back an answer search your heart and seek the Lord and see if there is anyone or anything that you're resenting. Some times we don't know about these things, but the Lord will show you.then ask for forgiveness and you will be set free.
In everything we are facing,keep on hanging our faith.BELIEVE,and our prayer itself is enough for the LORD to hear us ,he already knows our needs before we ask.
He is in control of everything if we already surrender our life to HIM.
I"ll keep you %26 your family in my prayer.
Heat and massage help a lot. Pace yourself and try not to wear yourself out. Lately I have been forcing myself to lay down in the afternoon for a half an hour. It helps a lot. After resting I can get up and keep going for several hours. My Brother-in-law swears by the Glucosamine pills. They didn't help me at all but, they have helped him keep going for the past few years.Take Care. I hope I have given you some helpful advice.
Hi Sister... got both OA and RA I stay in the ouch and tired mode much of the time.
#1 hydrate, I keep a case of Sam' Choice water and use the Crystal Lite single serving for taste if not just plain lemon juice for flavor.
I have tried so many meds due to a car accident when I was 16, and another a year ago this past Feb. which has caused Neurological issues to worsen in my joints caused by broke neck in the first and wear and tare on the joints due to sports when I was in school.
The only thing I use now is the old antidepressant Elavil at night to sleep for pain and drink water. On occasion I will take a Tramadal when I get a migraine... O my do you get the migraines? Horrible!
Orange juice helps the inflammation.
Tomatoes...any way shape or form... will cause the inflammation to accelerate, have you considered what all has tomatoes in or on it?
Cut back on the sweets, anything we have even cancer in the body feeds off sugar, white poison.
I sure hope this helps, God bless you%26lt;%26gt;%26lt;
I am alergic to shellfish which is in the products used for this over the counter.
And I agree with the person who has said this is a spirit.
Dear ShirleyI pray the Lord will release His healing power upon you and within your joints. May the Spirit of God manifest mightily and invade these joints and release the pain for nothing is impossible for Him who created the universe and everything in it and He knows your faith! Bless you and praise the Lord ever more!
Love Jacqui
yes my mom has it and i have to give her aleve and narcotic pain pills to control it. i know u are suffering but there is stuff out there over the counter called NSAIDS like aleve and that will work for short period of time and try ibuprofen. if u arent having any relief talk to your doctor and see what they can prescribe. dairy aggravates the problem and so does caffeine. so try to avoid this. also if it rains or is gloomy outside it aggravates the problem more. try and take care and keep up the prayers and we will pray for u also. god bless u...

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