Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Appendectomy issues?

My boyfriend had a laparoscopic appendectomy over three weeks ago. It was perforated and then burst. He was in the hospital for four days and then released. He was told to take 2 weeks off of work. However, he was feeling better and returned to work a week early. He was feeling fine until Tuesday of last week. He has then experienced chills, possible fevers and tightening of muscles. I think he's got something really wrong with him, but, his doctor just told him to take vitamins and drink fluids and rest. And, that he had gone back to work too early and should have listened. Should we be more alarmed than this? He's feeling a little better today but still. The doctor ran some blood tests on him but told us he wouldn't call if it was fine. I'm worried and he's being tough guy. What to do, anybody got ideas on what's going on?
The area where his surgery had been is a little swollen again, too.
Well he should have listened to the Doctor's instructions.
Doctors tell you these things cause they don't want to see you again in the hospital with complications.
Did the doctor prescribe antibiotics? If he did, did your boyfriend take them as directed?
I hope so, other wise he could end up with an infection.
Abdominal surgeries are serious even though he wasn't opened up all the way.
But so far Sounds like he will be ok.
They do know things you don't.

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