Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Anyone out there ever diagnosed with IgA Deficiency?

The last year I've been getting quite a few upper respiratory infections like bronchitis, strep pneumonia, sinus infections. Otherwise, I am always healthy. After another bought with a sinus infection my doc ran an immunoglobulin panel and found my IgA level to be 30. Normal is like 81-463. Apparently, IgA is found in the mucuos membranes and protects us from all these upper respiratory infections. All of my other immunoglobulin numbers were normal but the IgA. He said don't lose sleep over it. It's a mild condition...I may get sick more often and be on antibiotics more often but nothing life threatening. He's sending me to an immunologist to confirm this and discuss how I can boost my IgA. I'm 31 with a toddler and really scared. Does anyone have this or know anyone else that does? I feel very nervous but at the same time grateful it's not something worse.
The best way to treat IGA Deficiency these days is Xolair. One a month injection that will get your levels back to normal. It is expensive thought. Otherwise allergists will give you shots for many years with little results. Xolair is a godsend for many people. Some insurance will cover it these days.

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