Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Anyone used a laser treatment for acne called an N LIght and what were the results?

I haven't used this treatment myself as I can't afford it, however a young lady who suffered with acne for years featured on the programme this morning, no antibiotics or creams worked, and she was so depressed over it she wouldn't look in a mirror she tried Roaccutane but it actually made her skin worse when she came off it and you can't stay on this drug forever as its too dangerous, but when she had laser treatment there were brilliant results, her skin is now clear and though she has to go for the odd extra treatment it has removed her spots and increased her self confidence, unfortunately its not yet available on the NHS (wish it was) and only a few clinics perform this procedure, the main one in the UK is in London, which is rather too far away for myself, I've had acne since the age of 11 and still have it at 24, despite what some people will lead you to believe there is no "miracle cream/antibiotic" especially from your doctor, it depends on the individual but often medications prescribed by your dermatologist don't have much effect as they are only targeting the symptom of spots not the cause, I've tried lots of so called spot removal creams in chemists such as Boots and they have had zero effect as my condition is so severe they are only aimed at individuals with much milder acne or just the odd spot, they are often relatively expensive and a waste of money and contain nasty ingrediants that can actually make your skin worse/redder, I know from experience, i'm sure you've found this out yourself if you have the opportunity to try N light, go for it , unlike Roaccutane it has no major side effects and is virtually harmless, obviously a small area of your skin will be tested first to insure your skin won't have a rare side effect to it, but you should be okay, I'm currently trying organic facial products which only contain natural ingredients and I'm also going to see a chinese herbalist to see what they recommend as they tend to try and deal with the cause of the acne, good luck!
i highly don't recommend a laser treatment for acne. The results vary from people to people and not to mention it is very risky. Just wash your face frequently with acne medications like proactiv.

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