Sunday, October 25, 2009

Anybody got a wierd allergy?

I am allergic to the saliva of cows. If a cow licks me, or sneezes on me, or coughs on me, I get very ill.
I have an autoimmune deficiency, and am allergic to the strep virus. When I get strep throat, even a slight case, when the virus passes through my kidneys, my kidneys start shutting down. I get blood in my urine and a lot of back pain. I have to get really strong doses of penicillin to get rid of the strep and stop it from affecting my kidneys. It used to be called Brights' Disease, but now it has a huge, long name that I can't spell. LOL something like streptococcalglemerialnephriti... please don't complain, I know that's not exactly how it's spelled. If the spelling bothers you,,, LOOK it up yourself Please.
If I take medicine with sulfa in it, I'll get the hives.
Most animals effect me the same way.
You dont look to well in general. I'm allergic to metals.
I'm allergic to Jam.
My husband is allergic to apples. He swells up and gets a rash.
I'm allergic to any raw detergents (Like washing up liquid, but not clothes that have been washed with soap powder)
If they get on my skin I come up in a rash %26 can taste it in my mouth!
im allergic to horses
toothpaste, though more of an intolerance
Im allergic to EVERYTHING out side.. cats.. dogs.. cockroaches.. shrimp.. tuna.. all molds.. dust.. ugh.. it sucks soo bad..
Eggs. I get terrible indigestion if I eat eggs.. I say its an allergy anyway..
Poultry--chicken and turkey--and any by products with poultry in them (soup, meats). I can eat free-range and "organic" poultry so I believe it is something the birds are fed (hormones) and not the actual meat. I could eat poultry when I was a kid...maybe they didn't eat hormone-feed back in the 70's.My symptoms are trouble breathing, constricted feeling in my chest/heart area, itchy inside the mouth, sores in the mouth similar to cold sores, and at most severe swollen eyes (almost closed up) and swollen lips. Most people find this to be a weird allergy.
Certain soaps or detergents make me break out in hives. And one time my upper left side of my lip swelled up; don鈥檛 know what caused it. I look like I got a bad lip injection lol.
Yes I do.I'm allergic to WORK.When I go there I feel sick.When I have to get near it, I get very, very tired and my muscles ache. If I'm there over 8 hours I get a headache and want to go home.I'm not afraid of it; I could sit and watch it being done all day long. But when I have to do it myself I find my allergy festers up.
Runner bean leaves bring my arms out in an intensely itchy rash, which lasts for about half an hour, then gradually fades away.I am a keen gardener and grow my own veg and flowers, and nothing in the garden bothers me except for the climbing leaves of the runner beans - weird! Fortunately, the beans themselves give no problems, but I have to ask other people to harvest them for me.
I'm allergic to birds.
My sister has two boys (4 %26 6). They are both allergic to all foods, animals, dust, smoke, etc. They have a rare disorder and have to take benedryl before they can eat anything, and even still, some things (like eggs, wheat, milk, nuts) are worse, so they can't eat them at all. They have been seen by specialists all over the world, and no one can find a cure. It has been terrible to watch, but the older they get, they seem to be doing a little better.
my daughter is allergic to ant bite.once she developed extensive allergic reaction in the form of papules all over the body.even now she gets large boils after a bite.
I'm allergic to guinea pigs. I don't know if that counts as weird though... My face goes all blotchy and my eyes itch if I touch one or even get too close.
My skin gets really itchy if I'm in the sun.
I don't know if they're weird or not, but I'm allergic to bananas and canteloupe.I've never tried kiwi fruit because a few other people I know who are allergic to bananas are also allergic to kiwi fruit. Seems safer not to try.And it's not really an allergy, but I'm hypersensitive to chlorine in my nose. If I go swimming in a chlorinated pool, my nose will absolutely pour snot for several days. Really disgusting. As you can imagine, I don't spend a lot of time at the pool.Plus, I'm allergic to the irritating hairs of tarantulas. If I handle a tarantula, my hands get covered in pebbly bumps (look like little warts) and itch like mad for hours. Fortunately, it's usually fairly easy to avoid picking up tarantulas.
I'm allergic to life. Every time someone tells me to get a new one, I start sneezing. :0)
Garlic! I am allergic to Garlic and so is my daugher
I am alergic to stupid questions on on i am starting to itch
My strangest allergy is caffeine, actually it's guarana which is used in many types of caffeine. Also allergic to silicone and fluoride
I am allergic to poultry. I used to be allergic to the smell of skunk. It would burn like pepper spray and I would break out in hives.
My dad is allergic to sunshine. He breaks out in a rash that lasts two weeks.

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