Saturday, October 31, 2009

Anyone ever have plantars warts removed?

My 12 year old daughter has 3 plantar warts. I took her to her physician and she said they were unable to freeze them because it would leave scar tissue that would bother her forever so they referred us to a podiatrist. Her appointment is this next week, but I am just wondering what we have to look forward to. Her physician said possibly cutting them out or electrocuting them or something. I wonder if this will just be a consultation or since they know what they are do they just do the treatment right on the spot? And what about the pain. My daughter is only 12. Can she handle it?
Yes I have. Tried freezing didn't work. Tried lazer didn't work. Tried acid didn't work. I finally went to the podiatrist and he gave me this thick paste. You put it on being careful just to put it on the wart. I had to wear it for a week without getting it wet and to my surprise when he removed the bandage the wart just popped out - was stuck on the bandage. I had a hole in my skin there I had to protect for about 3 months - till the normal skin grew back. During this I had no pain at all and never got it back.
Anything is worth a try - plantars are so painful and your daughter will be so happy when there gone.
I had them on my foot, wear duct tape on it, just the warts not the whole area or will go away in about a week or so.
I had these when I was a kid. The podiatrist gave me a mild acid that I painted on the warts like nail polish. It had a dull burn and I had to keep doing it every day for weeks but thats was 25 years ago and I lived and I have no scars If I remember right the prescription was called duo film.Good Luck
take her to the podiatrist .the paste works. i had one years ago and treated it myself as i could not afford to go to the dr. it was as big as a pencil eraser on the bottom arch of my foot and very painfull to walk on , so one night watching tv i took a small pair of needel nose plyers and a few shots of brandy .grabbed it and twisted it while pulling at it ,i ripped it out by the root ,left a hole that healled up in a few weeks .it was worth the 20 seconds of pain.

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