Saturday, October 31, 2009

Anyone else have lymph nodes growing all around their body?

They dont know what is going on they suspected early stage lymphoma but biopsies were inconclusive but things are only growing slowly anyone else been there and have any idea what is going on??
I'm sorry that you are going through such a stressful time. Ask your doctor to check for Castleman Disease. It is a rare disorder ( non-cancerous growths that develop in lymph nodes throughout the body). My grandson has this disease, he is doing very well now. I hope this will help. Good luck!
My mom had this same thing happen, and yes, it was lymphoma. I would probably get a second opinion if I were you.
My sister had a golf ball sized lump on her neck and they thought it was lymphoma...they biopsied it and checked inside her stomach (it grows there too)...I prayed really hard, because I went through breast cancer, surgery and chemo...and I didn't want to see my little sis go thru that would be harder to watch a loved one go thru it than for me going thru it...anyways the tests came back negative for lymphoma and the doctors were scratching their a couple of weeks it slowly went yes, pray and get a second opinion if you are worried...I told my sis she played too much golf and grew a golf ball and to give up bowling "for God's sake" before she grew a bowling ball...LOL...she just ignored me...
Lymph nodes are present all over the body. They are in your neck, your thorax, groin, cheeks, legs. Its when they get big and swell up they start becoming suspicious about lymphoma
You need to seek a 2nd opinoin in a tertiary facility. Where I live we send our pts to Barnes Hospital of University of Chicago. If you are close to Houston, you can go to MAnderson Hospital. These are 3 of the best cancer centers I know of in the US.
Dont waste time messing with a small town hospital who dink around and dont know what they are doing. Time is on your side if things are growing slowly. .
Cancer RN
I had swollen lymph nodes in my neck, and because my dad had lymphoma, they did a biopsy on me...and it was nothing. My dad has been cancer free for almost 10 years, and I'm fine. I still have swollen lymph nodes though! Good luck to you, and try not to worry.

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